NEXUS-NESS aims to co-develop with stakeholders a Nexus-Ness Service to co-validate WEFE Nexus strategies for fair access to resources in four Nexus Ecosystem Living Labs supported by RRI Roadmap, Multi-Stakeholder User Platform and a WEFE Nexus forum for promoting the solution in the Euro-Med area
NEXUS Nature Ecosystem Society Solution (NEXUS–NESS)
Fair and Sustainable Resource Allocation Demonstrator of the Multiple WEFE Nexus Economic, Social and Environmental Benefits for Mediterranean Regions
Water security
Food Security
Energy security
Ecosystem protection
Mediterranean countries
Academic and R&D partners
Living Labs
Million Euros and
Years of Work
A bottom-up approach transferring WEFE Nexus Science co-designing a novel Nexus-Ness Service with/for stakeholders to mainstream a Nexus approach
RRI Roadmap
& Multi Stakeholder
& User Platform
Hydrological sciences &
WEFE Nexus Modelling
WEFE Nexus management plans
integrating Socio-Environmental and Economic indicators
Nexus-Ness Service
demonstrated in four Nexus Ecosystem Labs
WEFE Nexus Forum &
Multi-Actor Science-Stakeholder-Policydialogue
Second success story of using the Nexus approach in Tunisia
Another success story which convinced participants of the importance of the WEFE Nexus approach...
NEL Egypt: Presenting project current activities at the WEF-CAP Multi-stakeholders Capitalization Conference
From 9 May 2023, the WEF-CAP Multi-stakeholders Capitalization Conference, held in Alexandria...
First success story of using the Nexus approach in Tunisia
During the Tunisian NEL Second Workshop on 8. March 2023 Fethi Abdelli and the Institut des...