The FREEWAT (FREE and open source software tools for WATer resource management) is a free and open source, QGIS- integrated modelling platform for planning and management of water resources, with specific focus on groundwater. The FREEWAT environment allows storage of large spatial datasets, data management and visualization, and running of several distributed modelling codes (mainly belonging to the MODFLOW family). It simulates hydrologic and transport processes, and provides a database framework and visualization capabilities for hydrochemical analysis. FREEWAT was tested in a wide variety of real case study applications concerning integrated water basin management, rural water management, water quality and water-crop integrated modelling.


Foglia, L., Borsi, I., Mehl, S., De Filippis, G., Cannata, M., Vasquez-Sune, E., … & Rossetto, R. (2018). FREEWAT, a free and open source, GIS-integrated, hydrological modeling platform.

Rossetto, R., De Filippis, G., Triana, F., Ghetta, M., Borsi, I., & Schmid, W. (2019). Software tools for management of conjunctive use of surface-and ground-water in the rural environment: integration of the Farm Process and the Crop Growth Module in the FREEWAT platform. Agricultural Water Management223, 105717.