During EGU2023 Bianca Maria Rizzo, Enrica Caporali, and Xenia Schneider exposed a Poster entitled “Gender gaps in the Water, Energy, Food, and Ecosystems Nexus” in the section ERE 1.7 “The water, energy, food, ecosystem nexus: complex dynamics, uncertainties and implications.” Gender roles, relations, and responsibilities shape and are shaped by the use and management of resources. For this reason, the NEXUS-NESS project is having a gender perspective while transitioning to WEFE Nexus. The poster showed facts and figures that led to the necessity to create a raising-awareness path of gender to implement during the workshops with the stakeholders in the 4 NELs. The first step of this path is to make clear the reason for involving women in the WEFE nexus management, showing the contradictions present at the level of NEL. While women cover an important role in working with and knowing about the resources, they are not involved in the decision-making processes.