Engaging young contemporary artists and engineers for communicating water and climate challenges and solutions.
A unifying transdisciplinary framework merging engineering architecture and humanities to foster contemporary arts as means to address hydroclimate, ecological and social crises.
NexusArt is a communication action of NEXUS-NESS, a EU-funded project on the Water Energy Food and Ecosystem Nexus supported, by the PRIMA program.
Contemporary Arts professors
Engineering professors
Engineering professors, earth science and humanities academics and students working together with fine arts professors and young artists promoting contemporary art works to understand the physics and meta-physics of climate change, natural disasters, water, energy, food and ecosystem issues and solutions
A 3 steps co-creation process by young artists and engineers
Engineers sharing water, earth and environmental themes, problems and solutions based on quantitative physical studies and solutions.
2nd step
Contemporary art students sketching concepts of art works abstracting and re-thinking water climate meta-physics.
3th step
Young artists producing art works supported by engineering science knowledge and perspectives.
A co-creation process of young artists and engineers