Leonardo CiottiWhat are clouds?2024

Leonardo Ciotti
What are clouds?

For the project What are clouds? Ciotti took water samples from different rivers (Tiber, Ticino, Po) and used them as a thinner for painting. The use of river waters has an almost tautological value because the actual matter of water takes, in the watercolors, the...
Yuan Chenxi TheNarrow Bridge2024

Yuan Chenxi The
Narrow Bridge

The project reflects on the relationship between man and nature. The structure of the bridge gradually narrows to the central point, which is so narrow that it allows only one person to pass through. The meaning of the project lies essentially in the action that such...
Elena CecconiThe other side2024

Elena Cecconi
The other side

The Other Side is an installation that examines issues related to food and food waste. Current research and, in particular, research related to rich countries shows that an enormous amount of food is wasted during the processes of production, processing, sale,...
Debora CaputiSYSTEM2024

Debora Caputi

The elements from which the SISTEMA project starts are honeycomb rock formations, found inside calcarenite caves, formations born from hydroeolic erosion and inside which traces of the presence of bees and hives built on the eroded structure have been found. The work...
Gaia BarbaraWhat are we going to drink?2024

Gaia Barbara
What are we going to drink?

The city of Barcelona, although overlooking the sea and crossed by two rivers, faces a growing drought problem due to rising temperatures and exploitation of water resources. The project What are we going to drink? aims to reflect on this crisis. The work is a...