NexusArt exhibition A punt per començar
From October 24 to November 2, 2024
Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau, Barcellona
St Pau Dialogue: October 23 at 6:00 PM Vernissage: October 23 at 7:00 PMA
coordinated by the Academy of Fine Arts of Rome
In collaboration with
PRIMA Foundation – PRIMA NEXUS-NESS program – NexusArt
The exhibition featuring works by students from the Academy of Fine Arts of Rome, selected through a competition organized by the European NexusArt program, curated by the PRIMA Foundation and the NEXUS-NESS project, opens on October 23, 2024, in Barcelona. The theme revolves around sustainability, water, food, and climate security. The exhibition, titled A punt per començar coordinated by director Cecilia Casorati, presents 14 contemporary art pieces created by 24 students from the School of Decoration and the School of Cinema, Photography, and Audiovisual Arts, under the supervision of professors from ABA Roma.
The selected artworks, addressing eco-hydrological and socio-environmental challenges stemming from the current climate crisis, are the result of a science-art collaboration promoted by NexusArt. The co-creation of these works by ABA Roma students involved collaboration between professors and young researchers from environmental, social, and humanistic sciences, and engineering departments, from universities and research centers partnering in the transdisciplinary NEXUS-NESS project.
More information about NexusArt’s communication, environmental awareness, and citizen engagement initiatives is available on this website:
The A punt per començar exhibition is hosted at the prestigious UNESCO site, Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau in Barcelona, during the international event Manifesta 15. The vernissage will take place on October 23, 2024, and the exhibition will remain open until November 2, 2024.
On October 22, 2024, at 5:00 PM, there will be a pre-vernissage event for the coordinators and participants of the projects funded by the PRIMA Euro-Mediterranean research and innovation program, attending the annual meeting “PRIMA Project Day” in Barcelona. On October 23, 2024, during the vernissage, a special edition of the St Pau Dialogue will take place titled: “Science and art working together for health and sustainability / Ciència i art per a la salut i la sostenibilitat”, featuring a dialogue between sustainability scientists, artists, and health professionals to present the NexusArt Exhibition.
Entrance to the exhibition is free, but registration is required on the official page:
PRIMA NEXUS-NESS is coordinated by the WARREDOC center of the University for Foreigners of Perugia.
NexusArt Organization
Octavi Quintana – President of the PRIMA Foundation
Fernando Nardi – University of Rome Tor Vergata, Coordinator of the NEXUS-NESS Project and founder of NexusArt
Manuela Radice – Researcher at WARREDOC NexusArt
Professors and Scientists:: Prof. Eng. Francesca Casini, University of Rome Tor Vergata; Prof. Paolo Carafa, Sapienza University of Rome; Prof. Eng. Fabio Castelli, University of Florence; Prof. Eng. Giulia Costa, University of Rome Tor Vergata; Prof. Eng. Aldo Fiori, Roma Tre University; Prof. Eng. Elena Ridolfi, Sapienza University of Rome; Prof. Eng. Maria Cristina Rulli, Politecnico di Milano.
Academy of Fine Arts of Rome
School of Decoration
Professors: Sabina Alessi, Antonia Ciampi, Iginio De Luca, Anna Maria Maiorano, Isabel Martino, Maria Teresa Padula
School of Cinema, Photography, and Audiovisual Arts
Professor: Luca Valerio
Selected ABA Roma Artists:
Damiana Ardito, Gaia Barbara, Deborah Caputi, Lorenzo Capriati, Martina Catarisano, Elena Cecconi, Leonardo Ciotti, Rucsandra Raluca Cristache, Giulia D’Ippolito, Luca Falessi, Paolo Gentile, Maya Grassa, Alberto Iori, Chenxi Yuan, Giuseppe Antonio Lo Presti, Giulio Martellotti, Lucia Paparello, Lorenzo Pinci, Erica Ronci, Nicola Salerno, Lorenzo Papili, Silvia Spoti, Cristina Schiavinotto, Michelangelo Torretti
Installation: Giuseppe Di Giovanni
Catalog Text A punt per començar: Lucilla Meloni
Catalog Graphic Design: Eric Alex Turel
ABA Roma
Fondazione St Pau